Cryotherapy Resources
Study: Whole body and local cryotherapy in restless legs syndrome: a randomized, single-blind, controlled parallel group pilot study
Conclusion: Whole body cryotherapy at − 60 °C and, to a less extent, local cryotherapy seem to be a treatment option for RLS in addition to conventional pharmacological treatment. However, the exact mode of cryotherapy needs to be established.
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2013 (top)
Study: The Effect of Submaximal Exercise Preceded by Single Whole-Body Cryotherapy on the Markers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Blood of Volleyball Players.
Conclusion: A single whole body cryotherapy session before exercise seemed to have beneficial effect on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory markers when compared with control.
Study: The Effect of Whole-Body Cryotherapy in the Managment of Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder
Conclusion: There is significant improvement with the addition of WBC to treatment interventions in this sample of patients.
2012 (top)
Study: Five-day whole-body cryostimulation, blood inflammatory markers, and performance in high-ranking professional tennis players.
Conclusion: Professional tennis players experienced an intensified inflammatory response after the completed tournament season, which may lead to overreaching. Applying whole-body cryostimulation in conjunction with moderate-intensity training was more effective for the recovery process than the training itself. The 5-day exposure to cryostimulation twice a day ameliorated the cytokine profile, resulting in a decrease in tumor necrosis factor α and an increase in interleukin 6.
2011 (top)
Study: Time-course of changes in inflammatory response after whole-body cryotherapy multi exposures following severe exercise.
Conclusion: A single exposure to whole body cryotherapy significantly decreases inflammation after strenuous exercise and may accelerate recovery and reduce exercise induced muscle damage.
Study: Effects of Whole-Body Cryotherapy vs. Far-Infrared vs. Passive Modalities on Recovery from Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Highly Trained Runners.
Conclusion: Three whole body cryotherapy sessions within 48 hours after damaging running exercises accelerate recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage to a greater extent than from passive modalities or far-infrared modalities.
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2010 (top)
Study: Effects of the whole-body cryotherapy on a total anti-oxidative status and activities of some antioxidative enzymes in blood of patients with multiple sclerosis – preliminary study.
Conclusion: Effects of whole body cryotherapy on multiple sclerosis patients was positive (and postulated to be) beneficial. The total antioxidative state is distinctly reduced in MS patients vs. healthy population. The whole body cryotherapy treatment proved beneficial in treatment of MS patients and better than exercise alone.
2009 (top)
Study: Effects of the whole-body cryotherapy on NTproBNP, hsCRP and troponin I in athletes
Conclusion: Whole-body cryotherapy did not impair cardiac function in this sample of elite athletes.
2008 (top)
Study: Whole-body cryotherapy as adjunct treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders
Conclusion: Study of a small sample suggests positive effects on treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders. It is postulated/suspected that the pain relief associated with WBC and that commonly accompany emotional disorders may be responsible for the perceived benefits.
2006 (top)
Study: Effectiveness of different cryotherapies on pain and disease activity in active rheumatoid arthritis. A randomized single blinded controlled trial.
Conclusion: A study of rheumatoid arthritis patients reported the one variable that showed definite improvement with whole body cryotherapy (vs. local cold treatment) was pain. Patients report less pain following whole body cryotherapy.
2004 (top)
Study: The blood pressure response to an acute and long-term whole-body cryotherapy (-110C) in men and women.
Conclusion: Blood Pressure is not affected with acute or long-term whole body cryotherapy.